
Join us for events in the Meetinghouse

Join us at the historic First Parish Meetinghouse, 7 Meetinghouse Road.

All events will take place at the First Parish Meetinghouse at 7 Meetinghouse Road in Biddeford, except the Saco River cruises.

Any changes to the calendar will be made public on facebook and here.

Donations from non-members (members have already made a yearly contribution) gratefully accepted for the work of Biddeford Historical Society, including preservation of our community's Meetinghouse-its oldest public building.

For more information, please send an email.


2024 Season Events

July 19 - Thursday - 10:00 am: Saco River Cruise. Click for more info or to register.

July 26 - Thursday - 10:00 am: Saco River Cruise. Click for more info or to register.

August 9 - Thursday - 10:00 am: Saco River Cruise. Click for more info or to register.

August 10 - Saturday - 2:00 pm: Vin Petrini – Book release and a historical lecture of Granite Point. Vince used the geography and history of Granite Point as the back drop to his tale of witchcraft and ghosts in his book, Curtis Cove - A Ghost Story.

August 15 - Thursday - 10:00 am: Saco River Cruise. Click for more info or to register.

August 16 - Friday - 7:00 pm: Diane Lefebvre from the Hills Beach Association will present a lecture on the changing face of Hills Beach from the 19th to the 21st century.

August 23 – Friday - 7:00 pm: Highly accomplished professional musician, Katherine Rhoda will deliver a musical presentation on the history and culture of the Grange in our past.

September 14 - Thursday - 10:00 am: Saco River Cruise. Click for more info or to register.

November 10 - Sunday - 1:00 pm: The Biddeford Historical Society will honor and celebrate our Veterans and service they lent to the protection of our nation from colonial times to the present.


2024 Completed Events

April 25 – Thursday - 7:00 pm: Watch UNE history students debate over joining the American Revolution. Witness these arguments from political, economic, and social perspectives. Experience history at the exact site where the people of Biddeford made their choice 250 years ago.

July 5 – Friday - 6:30 pm: Biddeford High School Historical Essay Contest Winners will read their essays on local history at this annual event. Awards will be granted to the students.

July 11 – Thursday - 6:30 pm: Dr. Tad Baker of Salem State University will conduct a presentation on Witchcraft in Southern Maine in the 17th and 18th centuries.

Become a Member!

Become a Member!

It is simple to become a member or to renew. Choose the level of membership that meets your needs, and gain access to our amazing events and collections.

If you aren't interested in becoming a member, we welcome donations as well.